vendredi 30 juin 2017

The Fashion Edit

jeudi 29 juin 2017

Messier souls

I've got a thing for the type of people who are undeniably themselves. The ones with messy hair, and even messier souls. The kinds of people who wear their hearts on their chest, and have passion in their tears. I've got a thing for those people who laugh at their own jokes, and rejoice in their own success. It's the people who fight for what they believe in and never let their spirit settle that are the ones for me. I'm obsessed with all the people who have the strenght to remain soft, and let their fire burn hard. These are the type of people I'm in love with. These are the type of people I want in my life.

These are my people.

- K. A.

mercredi 28 juin 2017

ALVER - golden chlorella

Hey girls !

Avec ces chaleurs interminables, on a forcément moins faim, se faire à manger devient difficile et après avoir testé toutes sortes de salades, on se lasse. Heureusement, on a la solution pour vous :)

On a pu découvrir ALVER, cette poudre dorée aux superpouvoirs. Bien entendu, on va vous donner la recette de notre shake banane (parfait pour le petit-déjeuner) mais avant ça on voulait quand même vous vanter les mérites de cette petite pépite ! Une cuillère à café correspond aux apports protéiques d'un oeuf/200ml de lait/25g de viande rouge. Elle est donc sans aucun doute un substance de remplacement parfait pour les personnes souhaitant éliminer les produits issus de l'élevage animalier. Cette poudre améliore la résistance immunitaire, augmente le niveau d'énergie, stimule le métabolisme, aide à réduire les cellules graisseuses et le poids, aide la fonction cérébrale et a un effet détoxifiant.

Forcément avec sa couleur et son odeur, on s'imagine que le goût ne sera pas au top mais oubliez vos apriori, on ne sent rien !! Cette protéine s'ajoute facilement  à des jus de fruits, smoothies ou yaourts. On a absolument adoré et on vous le conseille vivement :)

Recette shake banane / golden chlorella
pour deux personnes
  • 2 bananes bien mûres
  • 2 verres de lait de riz (ou autre lait vegan)
  • 1 cuillère à café de ALVER - golden chlorella
  • 1 cuillère à café de granola (en option)
Mettre le tout dans un shaker et faire tourner pendant 2 minutes. Vous pouvez rajouter des glaçons pour un effet rafraîchissant. La cuillère de granola selon votre faim :) Bon appétit !

code promo SUMMER20SALE pour 20% de rabais sur votre commande :)

mardi 27 juin 2017

5 Instagram accounts to follow right now

Inspiring account with lots of amazing food and cool displays
So many cool pictures and funky paper creations :)
3 years old twins poetically staged by their mom, obsessed !
We want to same meals ! Such an inspiring account for foodie lovers 
Dreamy pictures with a soul, we love it !

lundi 26 juin 2017

Chef's Table - Massimo Botura - S01E01

Chef's Table is a must-watch documentary serie by and on Netflix. Each episode focuses on one chef and his/her restaurant. It depicts the path, the inspiration, the message and of course the masterpieces of each chef with a powerful photography.

The first episode is about Massimo Botura, a born-and-raised Italian foodie from Modena. He fell in love with food as kid, watching his mother cook for the family. Botura worked with notorious chefs before opening his 3 stars Michelin (gained in 2012) restaurant in Modena : Osteria Francescana. The place won dozens of culinary awards and is visited from all around the world.

Botura gained recognition for creating the Risotto Cacio e Pepe, "a recipe as a social gesture" as the chef says. His motivation is to revisit traditional dishes with an innovative eye.

turn bad stuff into goodness
Botura also speaks about the difficulties he encountered trying to be appreciated for his imaginative creations when Italians had a hard time separating from tradition.
In the end, his tenacity and visionary dishes, made with love and dreams and taste, finally touched the heart and soul of people, just like you will be touched by Botura's authenticity and passion.