lundi 30 mars 2015

Karolyn: DESOBEISSANCE Chapitre 1

Hello Stradi Girls & Boys !

Un post un peu différent aujourd'hui, puisqu'il nous arrive très rarement de parler de musique. Cependant, c'est un jour un peu spécial et je voulais vous en faire part !

Karolyn, c’est ma copine, et depuis longtemps tout le monde la presse pour qu’elle sorte son projet musical. Après plus de 7 ans passés aux côtés de Stress, elle sort enfin son premier EP qui n’aurait pas pu s’appeler autrement que DESOBEISSANCE.

C’est clair, Karolyn a pris son temps mais c’était surtout pour ne pas nous décevoir. Avec un 6 titres, elle nous propose des titres dansants, une envie de faire les rebels ou encore de pleurer sur cet ex qui nous a complétement brisé le cœur. 

Certains trouveront que sa voix cassée mais mielleuse ressemblera sur quelques notes à celle du grand Michael Jackson. Je l'entends déjà rigoler à cette remarque et me dire que c'est n'importe quoi. Pas vraiment consciente de son talent, elle pense toujours ne jamais faire assez bien.

Parce que Karolyn, c’est une écorchée vive, qui aime la vie même si cette dernière la rend triste par moment. Pleine d’espoir et d’amour, elle vous délivre en apéritif ce EP, bien entendu, une mise en bouche pour l’album à venir très bientôt.

En vente sur iTunes pour seulement 5.-, c’est vraiment donné pour de la musique de qualité !

dimanche 29 mars 2015

Stradivariusisters - Update

Hello beautiful !!!
We're here today with loads of new fun pictures we shot with Jessica. Check out pictures comments for clothing reference ;) We hope you like the pictures, it was really fun to showcase our sister bond and passion for beautiful things. Thanks to Manor and La Halle for the clothes.

We also want to update you with a few things :
- We've been on holiday and had a big chargers problem so we couldn't access our posts, sorry for the lack of posts :(
- We'll soon show you our holiday in Thailand so stay tuned ;)
- You can now subscribe to our newsletter in the right bar of the blog, it's simple and only takes three second, and you'll be updated when a new post comes up or a new giveaway !
- We're also still writing for Edelweiss Mag's website so check our column to read all our reviews :) Some great stuff is coming up. Stay tuned folks
Dresses - Manor
Dress - Manor

Dress - La Halle
Dresses - Manor

Dresses - Manor ; Shoes - La Halle

samedi 7 mars 2015

Topics - Baby hair and fugly accessorizes

We're all the same, we're all self-conscious, always complexing about a feature that maybe no one else sees. But we don't care about others, it's still bothering our soul.

I've always complexed about a small lock of hair right on my forehead, that I once cut as I believed it had nothing to do here... and it never really grew back. Autumn always calls it "baby hair" and she says it's normal and that nobody sees it. But I still care. So really, what a shock, when I saw the new DKNY ads in Glamour UK, with Cara Delevigne and her crew having a blast with styled baby hair. Seriously ? Am I supposed to follow the trend (since I already have the baby hair) and style it (with gel and everything ?)... I only need a second to think about it and the answer is definitely No ! I just wouldn't feel great wearing my baby hair like this, I would be EXTRA self-conscious about a freaking lock on my head (yeah, that's pretty much the pressure us girls take on, so that explains Britney's behaviors circa 2007).

On the other hand, I keep looking at the ad, and see that the whole crew is sporting the same kind of Japanese-wedges X urban-style-at-university shoes. This definition is too long, so I just call these kind of shoes the "disabled shoes". I've seen them in many stores and I don't know why but I love their orthopedic feel mixed with an Harajuku girl on crack.
Le freak, c'est chic.

So you see, I don't really know why I don't love styling and celebrating the baby hair, but that I adore the fugly pair of shoes. Sometimes it's fucking cool to be weird.

Tell us everything : your favorite/unfavorite trends ! We want to know !
Clockwise from top left : Jeffrey Campbell, Stella McCartney,
MM6 Maison Martin Margiela, Marni

mardi 3 mars 2015

Nail Art

As many girls, we are seriously obsessed with nail art and all the cool new stuff that brands offer us on the market.
Today we're sharing with you some of our tips and favourites, and also step-by-step manicures ;)

When you're doing your nails, it's always good to have your kit near you with all the products you need on display. Remember to wash your hands before and clean your nails and cuticules. When we're applying certain red colors that tend to "print" on the nails (sometimes when you remove certain color your nails are still a bit red-ish), to avoid this, we apply a coat of transparent polish to protect the nails. Then of course, some cool and colorful nail polish.

Our favourites are bright colors and also toned down shades like nude, or grey. We always put two coats at least. Sometimes when applying a really fluo color (or also if your color is not highly pigmented), we put a coat of white polish first so the colour will pop even more ! For the cherry on the cake, the glitters, the rhinestones, and so on.. There's so many things to play with that we can't decide... That's why we love to change our manicures so often ;) When the painting is done, we love to help it dry quickly, and even better than top coat dryer polish, we recently discovered the dry top coat drops, and we think that the drop and the formula really is what makes it work : it's not another layer of "paint" but just a single drop of liquid that feels a bit like oil and makes your nail dry almost instantly. A few minutes laters, we clean the oil on our fingers with a tissue and it's so shiny !!!