lundi 22 octobre 2012

Romantic Chula

Hey lovely Stradi Girls and Boys !

Here is a special post, because we shooted a video and did some photos! I am OBSESSED with the song of Jay-Z and Kanye West called "H.A.M." and I really wanted to do a video on it. So I thought about my two faces (okay I got a LOT more than two ahah) as the sweet/feminin/strong part and the angry/rude/rough part. When I heard the classic-screaming part of the song, I found it nice for the "romantic" part, and the other part for the "chula" one.

A Chula is a latina girl, with the big eyebrow and dark lipstick. As a latina girl, I love that style. If I'd live in New York or somewhere else I definitely would be a real Chula.

Summy directed the video and her boyfriend helped us too. I truly thank them for following me in my craziness (it's not easy everyday) AHAH! I also do that PO PO PO sign, that I dedicated to my faya friends (they will recognize themselves).

In the first part of the video, I'm wearing an asymmetric skirt from New Look, a random white top, a bleached jacket from H&M/Divided and black wedges from New Look too. In the second part of the video, I'm wearing a vintage jeans jacket, a random black top, a striped leggings from KOKO available on New Look and some Vans. The jewelry come from New York, but you can find them easily at Claire's.

Our facebook page HERE!



8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

where you from?

NVP a dit…

I am so in love with this blog ! thank youuuuuu

Autumn LaFleur Smith a dit…

Hey :) we are from Switzerland. Thank you for all you sweet word, we appreciate a LOT! <3 love

Anne a dit…

Envoûtant !

Anonyme a dit…

J'adore cette video ^^

Camille a dit…

je suis fan !!!

Anonyme a dit…

beautiful pictures an video

Carla a dit…

Trop belle!!!!