mardi 9 octobre 2012


Hi everyone ! It's the second time we went to London together so we were really excited !
We hope you enjoy our pictures and maybe share your favorite addresses :)
We went back to the same youth hostel near St-Pancras, the Clink 78.
It's an old prison building mixed with pop modern designs. Love.
Of course, time wisely spent on Oxford Street admiring the windows...
Afternoon drink and cupcakes, delicious.
Notthing Hill and Portobello are favorites. Cosy and carefree.
 We ate at Saporitalia, 222 Portobello Road (in front of the Subway, lol), they have an amazing buffet and perfect pizzas + great quality for the service, the waitresses were adorable !
Already time to leave, but we managed to go to several parts of London that we like, and we made a last stop at the Covent Garden Market, #foodporn anyone ?

3 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I want to bake cupcakes now they look delicious

Hanna a dit…

j'aime bcp ses photo ca donne envie de partir en vacances

Emilie a dit…

Super post, superbes photos et videos ! Bisous