mardi 8 octobre 2013

Inspiration #9

Here's a drawing of a few of my favourite things to wear this season.
My River Island cut-out boots are kinda always on my mind ;-)
Sadly, I don't have a VOGUE beanie but I thought it would be a cool DIY to make !

Good thing : now offers a great range of shoes, we especially love the boots : cool designs,
affordable prices and edgy details. The boots on the left (Bottines noires à lacets) are bikers with a black
shoelace and studded straps and we would totally love to style them with anything and everything - really !
The boots on the right (Bottines noires Chelsea) are so freaking cool, they just seem to feel perfect
and we love the little cut-out with rose gold detail on the heel. They're freaking cool, right ?
We feel those two pairs of boots really are good design investments because you can wear them almost
all year long, dressing them up or down with a pair of jeans or with a pretty feminine dress. How would you style them ?

How sick is the dress and this fantastic diamonds scenery at Chanel a few seasons ago ?!

Okay, so we're obsessed with clean interiors, so the mix of white, wood, muted grey,
emerald and mint, plus we absolutely looove this sitting bench

Black and White coolness from Jak & Jil

1 commentaire:

Arianne a dit…

Les bottines noires avec la découpe sont juste a tomber !