dimanche 3 juin 2012

Just Kids

What is incredible about having a sister is that you permanently have someone to rely on.
Even when we fight, there's always love, a massive amount of love.
There's something to learn in every odds we face, that's the most important thing.
And the fact that we will fight until the end, together always.
"-Oh, take their picture, I think they're artists.
-Oh, go on, they're just kids."
Patti Smith, Just Kids

9 commentaires:

PinkyPony a dit…

You two girls are beautiful !

Anonyme a dit…

Lovely friends !

Anonyme a dit…

Trooop chou les sisters !

Anaïs a dit…

Super ces photos, trop mignon le chat! ;-)

Anonyme a dit…

D'où vient le collier à chaine svp :)

naomi a dit…

ces lunettes sont magnifiques..

Black Silhouette a dit…

lovely pictures! :))

Anonyme a dit…

jolie fourrire

PennyLANE a dit…
