lundi 11 juin 2012

Stay awesome !

Just some old pictures we did once we were bored, and still love the irony of it.
Don't you think Autumn looks really fierce with her H&M neon purple jacket and ghetto sunglasses ?
I do. My cat tshirt is a Lolcats right from the Internet. Killer tee.

9 commentaires:

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super photos!

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je vais manger les cuisses de t'as soeur !

Et le t-shirt le perso est rigolo ^^

k a dit…

Joli photo !

k a dit…

Joli photo !

jorge a dit…

love the cat tee

Mar a dit…

D'ou vient le teeshirt ac le chat?

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Incredible pictures

Summer Breeze a dit…

Le tshrt vient de la boutique lolcatz sur le net <3

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girl powers !