jeudi 21 novembre 2013

21 reasons it's awesome to have your sister as your best friend

What I love most about us being sisters is we can have totally inappropriate
conversations no sane person should ever have. Ever. 

Today we wanted to share a Buzzfeed post, hope you enjoy ;)
  1. You have a built-in date for 1 a.m. McDonald's runs
  2. And someone to look at when your mom makes really uncomfortable comments
  3. You have a partner to start 1000 different projects with
  4. And someone to keep you grounded
  5. Your sister will be there for all your milestones
  6. And can share the trouble when your parents find out
  7. Laughing ? How about until you can't breathe anymore
  8. Which makes family vacations really fun
  9. Your sister will always know the right way to compliment you
  10. They'll give you tough love when you start slipping into bad habits
  11. But will keep their judgments to themselves because you have matching crazies
  12. Until you don't
  13. But that's OK because only you can understand how truly crazy your family is
  14. Or that dance you guys used to perform as kids
  15. Just be careful because your sister will be your maid of honor and will embarrass you
  16. Your reactions are always the same, so words are rarely needed
  17. Your closet is double the size
  18. Which can be used to wear matching outfits
  19. And great for when they you get ready for dates
  20. Even if it doesn't feel like it sometimes, they will always have your back
  21. Sisters are forever ❤

1 commentaire:

Vivianne a dit…

superbes les sisters ;-)